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I'm so ***** sick of Boomer Esiason
(09-06-2016, 02:48 PM)PlayerFormerlyKnownAsMousecop Wrote:

Seriously, what is wrong with this guy? Boomer to me just seems so salty that these past few Bengals teams have been unlike any of the teams he ever played for and he's jealous that he isn't a part of it.

It really is embarassing having this guy represent us as a former player when he doesn't even support the team. His shit attitude towards the team gives way for non-Bengals fans to continue trashing us.

Also, I'm not sure how people feel about the Kaepernick situation (I really don't care tbh), but Boomer's comments on that were pathetic as well. He wants to talk about how the Bengals crapped themselves last year in the playoffs, well maybe he should stop continually shitting himself on the national stage.

Okay, sorry, rant over. Seriously though, this guy needs to get a grip. He makes us look like shit.

Agree 100%. I'm glad the Kaepernick article identified him as "former Jets QB."

I had no interest in his drivel being associated with the Bengals.

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RE: I'm so ***** sick of Boomer Esiason - CJD - 09-06-2016, 09:41 PM

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