07-09-2015, 09:38 AM
(07-09-2015, 09:20 AM)PlayerFormerlyKnownAsMousecop Wrote: What? Is this guy off his rocker? Who in their right mind just wants "playoff wins"? Is that really the pinnacle of sports?
Give me championships baby. The Steelers have 6, I just want one over here.
(07-09-2015, 09:26 AM)PlayerFormerlyKnownAsMousecop Wrote: If we want to win championships, we have to take baby steps to get there. Every other team does before they win the big one, why are we entitled to not have to wait like everybody else?

Aren't those statements made by you just minutes apart fairly contradicting of one another?
At first you diminish winning in the playoffs by mocking it by asking if it's really the "pinnacle of sports". You say that you just want a championship and that's that.
Then only a few minutes later you say that we shouldn't feel entitled and that we need to make baby steps to get to the championships.
Those baby steps are the playoff wins that everybody is constantly clamoring about.
So which is it? Do we take baby steps or do you just want a championship and playoff wins (baby steps) aren't enough??