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The Turning point - Incompetent Coaching
(12-24-2016, 11:23 AM)fredtoast Wrote: I have never seen a better example of how fans complain about playcalling no matter what is called.

"Bengal coaches were insane and incompetent to stop running BJGE when he was effective against the Chargers."

"Bengals coaches were also insane and incompetent to NOT stop running Burkhead when he had 3 straight carries for 23 yards (7.7 avg).  Especially when we had scored a td on a running play from the exact same position the last time we had the ball. "

Doesn't really matter what the coaches call.  If it does not work then automatically makes it stupid.  If the coach sticks with what is working then he is "too predictable", and if he tries something different he is stupid for "giving up on what was working".  And the fan can then set back and claim that what he wanted to do would have worked.

You don't see anyone here complaining about running the ball on THIRD down from the 4 when Hill scored, but for some reason coaches have to be completely incompetent to call a run play on SECOND down in the exact same situation.

(12-24-2016, 12:20 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Here is what I remember.

All the fans here were calling Marvin incompetent for even letting BJGE carry the ball in the first place.  Everyone was saying he should be benched and Gio should have gotten all the carries.

BTW the first half of the Chargers game Benny had three decent runs (totaled 23 yards) and three other runs that gained a total of 4 yards.  In the same first half Gio had 3 decent runs that totaled 23 yards and 4 others that totaled 3 yards.  The claim that Benny was running wild in the first half is a myth.  His production was almost identical to Gio's in the first half.

Tell us Fred: are you really happy with these coaching decisions? Do you agree with them? What would you have done different (if anything)? I've seen you say Marvin should be fired several times throughout the year so are you simply being facetious here? Or are you back on the Marvin bandwagon?

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RE: The Turning point - Incompetent Coaching - Pat5775 - 12-24-2016, 01:41 PM

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