06-05-2017, 09:03 AM
Iloka,in response tpo your post! The Bengals have been in business since 1968, So far a couple Super Bowl appearances correct! Don't you think that is abysmal at best? I'm not to tell the players ..... wait a minute, yes I am, that being a mediocre team at best is not gonna create much of a positive fan base! We on this forum cuss, discuss this every year as the season winds down. And it's starting to sound like a broken record. I would'nt be proud of this team if I was playing on it. It's obvious we need to back up and get our priorites straight. Do we continue down the same path year after year,or do the players reach down and say, Enough is is enough, and put forth an effort to change things by playing there guts out and make the decision not to settle for second or third best?