07-13-2018, 03:22 PM
(07-13-2018, 01:23 PM)Benton Wrote: Played two run throughs, will probably do a third before too long. It's not bad. There's a lot to do, but I felt there wasn't a ton of character development. To me, part of the fun has always been how choices impact your character, from creation through ending. Skimping on some abilities so you can carry more gear, becoming an adult film star, siding with ghouls lovers over people... you know, all the basic stuff. With Wasteland 2, it didn't seem to matter a ton on what you did, you were going toward the same ending anyway, it just changed a little on who you got there with.
I could see that maybe being an issue as instead of just one main guy you pick a squad.. I know in the fallout games you had companions but I don't know if it works the same... Been sitting on that game a few years now.. Trying to get to it but the back log keeps growing...
(for someone that doesn't have a ton of time to game I still buy games at a pretty consistent rate lol)