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Carlos speaks out about Racism and Bengals
(08-24-2020, 08:25 PM)GreenCornBengal Wrote: Ah don’t get me wrong, I’m not hating on Carlos, just hating the notion that the Bengals didn’t act quick enough.

Show me what some other franchises did that was so much better than what Cincinnati did. I haven’t done the research on what other clubs did but I was actually very pleased with the response and donation. Lastly, if Carlos had an issue, why is it coming up now?

I'd suggest that the Ravens' statement is a good starting point.

(08-24-2020, 08:27 PM)J24 Wrote: Honestly what do the players expect the Teams to do?

Again, I'd refer to the Ravens' statement.

(08-25-2020, 10:17 AM)Whatever Wrote: I get his frustration because I deal with it with some of my friends.  They will prattle on for hours about what other people need to do to help fix issues while they have given none of their own time or money to help with those issues.  You can't expect other people to make something more of a priority than you do.

I think Carlos is in the wrong on this for the simple fact that he called out the team and Mike before he ever asked to discuss the issue in private.  He freely admitted that he hasn't asked Mike for this meeting, yet.  

The other issue is that Mike is a pretty self-aware owner.  He knows he's probably one of the top 5 most hated men in Cinci.  If he makes a statement about rallying together to fight racial injustice, folks are about as likely to run out and join the KKK. That's why he gave money to the coaches and players to set up programs.  That makes the coaches and players the faces of those programs and people actually like/respect those guys, making them more likely to listen.

As a pretty self-aware owner shouldn't Mike be making sure his players feel safe? That they aren't liable to be arrested for the slightest reason

(08-26-2020, 02:12 PM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: Actually, if the park story is true then Carlos Dunlap, and the other NFL guys who were asked to move, did a huge diservice to their community by not immediately speaking out and bringing attention to their mistreatment.

They should have immediately filed a complaint with the park district. They should have tried to make the event locally known, by giving interviews with the local news. They should have their money and fame to bring awareness to this abuse by a racist park ranger.

But they did none of that. He waited two months to drop a single paragraph reference of the event to a barely relevent local reporter that's based in a town that is 1,000 miles away.

Meanwhile this ranger might still have his job, where he's mistreating others. The parks department faced no real consequences, and may still be rife with discrimanatory culture.

Carlos really could and should have done more.

Why should the burden of righting wrongs always fall on the victim?

(08-26-2020, 03:24 PM)GreenCornBengal Wrote: I’m thinking Mike Brown and the Bengals organization don’t do much more other than the statement and the donation because of reactions from folks who pay for their entertainment.

How many times have I read “I’ll root for this team until they kneel!”. “I’m done with this team when they start kneeling!”. “If this player kneels I’m no longer watching any games!”

Perhaps Mike Brown is running a business and thinks if he goes too far into the anti-racism realm some of his bigoted fans will back out of supporting his business...

As they often say in the NFL... “it’s a business”

How's it good business to alienate your most valuable assets? Fans stopped attending when the Bengals started losing. Now you've got a leader who you are looking to build around and who is inspiring the fan base and his stance on this issue is clear. You want to be on his side or not?

You look at your other star players - people like Dunlap, AJ Green, Mixon - these are players you need to win and they have opinions on this issue. Do you stand with them or not?

What you need to get fans onside is have these players successful. It's good business to be on the side of these players.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Carlos speaks out about Racism and Bengals - TJHoushmandzadeh's Shiny Shoes - 08-28-2020, 11:05 AM
RE: Carlos speaks out about Racism and Bengals - IcoHolic - 09-03-2020, 10:12 PM

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