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No credibility until they hire a GM
(12-13-2020, 11:33 AM)WhodeyRay Wrote: Yes. And it will not change because to hire scouts and a GM it will cost them 10-15 million a year in payroll and this money would not be able to be divided up between all the family members that have jobs just because they are family. Think about the craziness of paying to build and operate a practice facility. Insurance, electric, maintenance ect... they could not afford to hire the rest of pumpkins kids then.

Nothing worse than when people completely talk out of their arse and just throw numbers around, without an ounce effort put in to make sure they're correct.

The salaries of NFL GM's range, depending on when are where you look, from somewhere in the neighboorhood of 2 to 4 million a year.  (Fwiw, John was highest paid GM at 3.75 mil in 2017)

The salaries of scouts ranges from 40-120k, depending on experience and job details.

Let's assume the Bengals spend towards the upper level on a GM at 3.5 million.  And Let's assume the Bengals add 12 scouts, at average cost of 80k per.  That's 960k.

You now have added a top tier GM and brought your scouting department up to 20 people by an investment of 4.460 million dollars.

There is a very big difference between 4.4 mil and 10-15 mil.  I'd love to know how you came up with your number.

You speak about this taking money away from the family.  It's money out of their pockets.  4.4 million a year is now gone from the Brown family savings account.

That's a rather short sided way of looking at it.  Did you know the Bengals lost well north of 10 million dollars last year due to PBS routinely having less than 40k fans in attendance?  Perhaps with a capable front office we'd be better, and we'd sell more tickets.  This town has proven time and time again, they will fill up PBS if you give us a decent team.  (We gave them 8 year straight of sellouts during Marvin's tenure)

So the cost of the GM and the scouts not only wouldn't cost 10-15 million, it most likely wouldn't cost anything.  It would either pay for itself due to producing a better product, or it would actually result in them making more due to profits from tickets sold exceeding the added salaries.

Lastly, your take on the practice facility is absolutely pathetic.  You're really going to bring up the cost of insurance and electric when talking about a 2.2 BILLION dollar company, and family that has hoarded hundreds of millions of dollars?  Really?

If HIGH SCHOOLS can come up with the funds to build and operate a indoor facility then I'm sure the Brown family can manage just fine.  Partner up with UC and throw in 40 million (Carlos Dunlap's 3 year deal) and you've got a facility you can use and enjoy for at least the next two decades.  

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RE: No credibility until they hire a GM - Wes Mantooth - 12-13-2020, 12:44 PM

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