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Mike Brown's Daily Diary entries - (from Current day to the far Past)
This Thread could be used by anyone to Post what they think Mike Brown may have written in his Daily Diary during any time from the Current day through the distant past. (Both Pro and Con entries)

For example;

Tuesday 5/9/17

"Dear Diary, Milestone day for myself, the Organization and Adam. Adam was involved in a Car accident today of no fault of his own. While he may have used some colorful language that I don't approve of he did show restraint. Our Faith in Adam is yielding dividends as no physical altercations occurred. The Media types may not see Adams progress but we do, don't we Dear Diary."

P. S. "Loving my New John Ross Jammies prototype. Should have them in our Pro Shops soon. The back door Flap for the hind area is really helping with my middle of the night bathroom trips. Should be a Big seller. Nighty, night."
Any day, 1991--

Gonna win a SB and do it my way.


Gonna win a SB and do it my way.
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.” ― Albert Einstein  singersongwriterrocknroll

From any day during any of the last dozen training camps:

Dear Diary: Gave Denny a ride in the golf cart. $#@!&% felt me up, again.
One day in 1991, "Sam Wyche, who in the heck does he think he is? This is my team, I'll run it how I want to. We don't need no stinkin' Sam Wyche around here..."
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Volson is meh, but I like him, and he has far exceeded my expectations

-Frank Booth 1/9/23
The year is 1976. Mikey sits down with daughter Katie to catch a little tv on their 10 year old black and white tv. It's been a long day going over the books, but we are making a little money. Dad knows football, but not profit margins.

Katie has been waiting weeks fir this show. Laverne and something. Crazy kids these days. When I was her age I worked in a factory all day and delivered papers in the evening. This shows got a catchy jingle. I like it. When I run the team I'll do it my way, hell yes!

Every day since he's run the team. We made money today, and I did it my way! Who needs free agents, a gm or a practice bubble? And who keeps drinking all the damn Gatorade around here? Katie's still mad at me for denying her a third week of vacation but she'll get over it. When it's her turn she can things her way.

Now back to my plans for the new Death Star, err stadium deal for the taxpayers.

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[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Lmao great idea. This is going to be fun.
Wednesday May 10th 2017

I'm at a serious crossroads in my life and for the first time conflicted at what I should do? What I need to do!

It's obvious that Marvin doesn't have the tools or skills as a head coach to take this team to the promised land. I've known this for quite some time (much longer than I care to admit), but theres more to coaching than winning a super Bowl isn't it? There are so many plus' that also come with Marvin. His players respect him and like him. He brings stability to the franchise being here year after year running the program the same exact way. We know what to expect from Marvin and what not to expect(sorry dad, Vince won't be here anytime soon)  


Ahhh who am I kidding, I don't care about this football team winning the Super Bowl. There was a time when I did but it all changed in January 14th 2003 when Marvin walked through the door as the new head coach of the Cincinnati Bengals. His eyes glistened with excitement and my heart skipped a beat the first time I heard him giggle. And that was the beginning.... the long work nights, the tears, our first kiss. It was all so magical and the first time Marvin made love to me I cried. I had been reborn. We are practically married he's been with me now for over 14 years and its been the most exciting time in my life.

But what do I do? I have a commitment and responsibliy to this organization, to my dad who built this!! But...but...I can't and I WON'T let him go! He's mine forever and I long for the rainy nights in bed spooning and wrestling with our love making till we fall asleep in one another arms in our own goal line positions. Cincinnati is going to have to get used to losing, because it pales in comparison to losing giggles in my life. Forgive me dad, forgive me fans and players but if I have to vote....and I vote for love!
Dear Diary..
These fans think they know more than me about running an NFL team. Hell! I was born into it. 
Dear Fans, when your daddy dies and leaves you an NFL team in his will come tell me all about it. Until then STFU.. 
In the immortal words of my old man, "Wait'll you get to be my age!"

Chicago sounds rough to the maker of verse, but the one comfort we have is Cincinnati sounds worse. ~Oliver Wendal Holmes Sr.

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(05-10-2017, 10:19 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: One day in 1991,  "Sam Wyche, who in the heck does he think he is?  This is my team, I'll run it how I want to.  We don't need no stinkin' Sam Wyche around here..."

LMAO The Christmas Eve Massacre.....beat me to it! To finish your thought.....

".....wanting to shop for the groceries and stuff....and hey, my dad worked in Cleveland!"

"Better send those refunds..."

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(05-10-2017, 11:31 PM)GodFather Wrote: Wednesday May 10th 2017

I'm at a serious crossroads in my life and for the first time conflicted at what I should do? What I need to do!

It's obvious that Marvin doesn't have the tools or skills as a head coach to take this team to the promised land. I've known this for quite some time (much longer than I care to admit), but theres more to coaching than winning a super Bowl isn't it? There are so many plus' that also come with Marvin. His players respect him and like him. He brings stability to the franchise being here year after year running the program the same exact way. We know what to expect from Marvin and what not to expect(sorry dad, Vince won't be here anytime soon)  


Ahhh who am I kidding, I don't care about this football team winning the Super Bowl. There was a time when I did but it all changed in January 14th 2003 when Marvin walked through the door as the new head coach of the Cincinnati Bengals. His eyes glistened with excitement and my heart skipped a beat the first time I heard him giggle. And that was the beginning.... the long work nights, the tears, our first kiss. It was all so magical and the first time Marvin made love to me I cried. I had been reborn. We are practically married he's been with me now for over 14 years and its been the most exciting time in my life.

But what do I do? I have a commitment and responsibliy to this organization, to my dad who built this!! But...but...I can't and I WON'T let him go! He's mine forever and I long for the rainy nights in bed spooning and wrestling with our love making till we fall asleep in one another arms in our own goal line positions. Cincinnati is going to have to get used to losing, because it pales in comparison to losing giggles in my life. Forgive me dad, forgive me fans and players but if I have to vote....and I vote for love!

Mike, won't Piano Man be jealous?  Ninja

"Better send those refunds..."

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(05-10-2017, 10:48 PM)BenZoo2 Wrote: The year is 1976.  Mikey sits down with daughter Katie to catch a little tv on their 10 year old black and white tv.  It's been a long day going over the books, but we are making a little money.  Dad knows football, but not profit margins.  

Katie has been waiting weeks fir this show.  Laverne and something.  Crazy kids these days.  When I was her age I worked in a factory all day and delivered papers in the evening.  This shows got a catchy jingle.  I like it.  When I run the team I'll do it my way, hell yes!

Every day since he's run the team.  We made money today, and I did it my way!  Who needs free agents, a gm or a practice bubble?  And who keeps drinking all the damn Gatorade around here?  Katie's still mad at me for denying her a third week of vacation but she'll get over it.  When it's her turn she can things her way.

Now back to my plans for the new Death Star, err stadium deal for the taxpayers.  

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I really liked the sentence that said;  "Katie's still mad at me for denying her a third week of vacation".

Nice touch...
so basically a thread to bash MB lame
Entry 1-999

"Man Bengal's fans are some obsessive whiny bitches."
(05-11-2017, 10:20 AM)XenoMorph Wrote: so basically a thread to bash MB lame

But in a fun, light hearted way! All the mb bashing in other threads is real, legit and warranted.

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[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(05-11-2017, 10:20 AM)XenoMorph Wrote: so basically a thread to bash MB     lame

Said at the beginning it can be either Pro or Con. Not intended to be all bashing but it is leaning that way.

Mike gets bashed plenty in individual Posts on almost every thread.

To help level the playing field some, here is a Pro because I do think that Mike is a Good man. In the Grand Scheme of things, the Pro's side of Mike Brown should outweigh the Cons.

"Dear diary, I am very pleased by the results we are having with the sales of Devon Still's jerseys. Our efforts to raise awareness for pediatric Cancer research and the Cincinnati Children's Hospital is nearing $1,000,000 in donation sales to help those causes. So happy with these results."
(05-11-2017, 10:20 AM)XenoMorph Wrote: so basically a thread to bash MB     lame

There's a handy thing you can do. Ignore it.
You can always trust an dishonest man to be dishonest. Honestly, it's the honest ones you have to look out for.
"Winning makes believers of us all"-Paul Brown

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