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(05-23-2021, 06:08 PM)Truck_1_0_1_ Wrote: (reads this thread)

You Americans are REALLY imaginative.

I'm not dismissing whether or not Extra Terrestrials exist, but this is the ultimate thread for a conspiracy theorist LOL.

LOL yup

I will say though that if you've been paying any attention at all even the biggest of skeptics has to admit there's something going on. What exactly it is ???
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(05-20-2021, 05:09 PM)CKwi88 Wrote: I'm of the opinion that any alien lifeforms would either be far more advanced or far more primitive than humans, just going by logical probability.

If they're far more advanced, they would have already wiped us out if they wanted to, so I'm more inclined to believe that they would just observe us from a distance, and I don't think we would even know about it. I don't find these UFOs to be really indicative of extraterrestrial activity.

They would do that until they got a good look at a Walmart parking lot and managed to tap into Netflix and witness The Tiger King.  At that point, they would quickly say "Nope" and swipe left for the next planetary civilization to check out.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(05-23-2021, 06:21 PM)bengalfan74 Wrote: LOL yup

I will say though that if you've been paying any attention at all even the biggest of skeptics has to admit there's something going on. What exactly it is ???

Who knows?

But there really is 0 evidence to what any of it is/means.

I remain watching from a distance, until something is proven with facts and not hearsay/crazy theories/people's minds running away with them.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
[Image: Truck_1_0_1_.png]
If these alleged aliens decide to use their superior technology to take over the earth it's definitely going to settle once and for all any ideas of illegal aliens. That would make a few million Mexicans coming across the border look like, well..pretty much nothing. 
We're talking beings capable of traveling well faster than the speed of light and somehow we think we have anything even remotely capable of stopping them? 
There's talk of making this a national security issue and the best we can do is travel to our own moon every decade or so? We might as well paint every 4 sided state completely white and surrender..It should be utterly obvious to any thinking being that they're pretty damn peaceful because we still haven't seen a city raised to the ground by aliens yet.. On that score we still haven't figured out how to throw rocks yet in comparison. 
Somehow I really doubt they have any interest AT ALL in the phrase, "Take me to your leader." Which one?  We can't even decide who our leader actually is. 
Oh sure!  They wanna "negotiate" with the worst negotiator in the known universe..Trump.. Boy! That sure fills me full of confidence..
You know what is more important in the grand scheme of things? Which embossing pattern on toilet paper is prettier..?
In the immortal words of my old man, "Wait'll you get to be my age!"

Chicago sounds rough to the maker of verse, but the one comfort we have is Cincinnati sounds worse. ~Oliver Wendal Holmes Sr.

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(05-23-2021, 05:08 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Pink Floyd? 

Great band, at least when Gilmour is singing and playing...
(05-24-2021, 12:35 PM)grampahol Wrote: If these alleged aliens decide to use their superior technology to take over the earth it's definitely going to settle once and for all any ideas of illegal aliens. That would make a few million Mexicans coming across the border look like, well..pretty much nothing. 
We're talking beings capable of traveling well faster than the speed of light and somehow we think we have anything even remotely capable of stopping them? 
There's talk of making this a national security issue and the best we can do is travel to our own moon every decade or so? We might as well paint every 4 sided state completely white and surrender..It should be utterly obvious to any thinking being that they're pretty damn peaceful because we still haven't seen a city raised to the ground by aliens yet.. On that score we still haven't figured out how to throw rocks yet in comparison. 
Somehow I really doubt they have any interest AT ALL in the phrase, "Take me to your leader." Which one?  We can't even decide who our leader actually is. 
Oh sure!  They wanna "negotiate" with the worst negotiator in the known universe..Trump.. Boy! That sure fills me full of confidence..
You know what is more important in the grand scheme of things? Which embossing pattern on toilet paper is prettier..?

You wrote this post on the toilet. Hilarious
[Image: 51209558878_91a895e0bb_m.jpg]
(05-21-2021, 07:47 AM)BengalsRocker Wrote: Highly classified projects most of our own military have no knowledge of could be your answer.

Then there are other countries developing projects we're also unaware of capabilities.

Government contractors supported by the Black Budget right here in our own country.

Let me ask you this...  do you not think that a Tony Stark type company exists?

Contractors producing military services is not out of the norm.

Now imagine ones developing and testing for the world.

The Stealth bombers existed 30 years before being made public.

Atomic aircraft initially started development decades ago.

747 with a giant laser on it is now reduced to smaller drone sizes.

These things are known and published.

So it's not crazy to think that we'll(general public)be 100yrs behind in the dark in the future.

Sorry...but I don't buy it. The maneuvers that these crafts are performing and how they fly defy our "laws" of physics. 

That technology isn't from our planet. It's either been reverse engineered from a crash alien craft by humans or we are being visited. 
[Image: Screenshot-2022-02-02-154836.png]
The boys are just talkin' ball, babyyyy
(05-25-2021, 03:14 PM)WeezyBengal Wrote: Sorry...but I don't buy it. The maneuvers that these crafts are performing and how they fly defy our "laws" of physics. 

That technology isn't from our planet. It's either been reverse engineered from a crash alien craft by humans or we are being visited. 

flying technology has come a long way in just 120 years  

And Tech in general
(05-25-2021, 03:14 PM)WeezyBengal Wrote: Sorry...but I don't buy it. The maneuvers that these crafts are performing and how they fly defy our "laws" of physics. 

That technology isn't from our planet. It's either been reverse engineered from a crash alien craft by humans or we are being visited. 

This is what you know and is public.

What do you think they'll have 30-40yrs from now or even more?

Now let's say that what you envision is actually now.

That's how far behind we(public + people even in the military like standard pilots)are in knowing technology capabilities.

I've heard people discuss what a human can take, physics, and such.

They use current known aircraft(some of that shit is dinosaur)and their capabilities.

A drone could easily mask actually how it appears to eyes and cameras.

Heat properties fooled too.

Taken by inferior gauges and tracked by inferior aircraft.

As much as you fantasize about aliens, there is also a realm of technology fantasies that are decades in the making.

It's kind of funny what average Joe Blow's can get their hands on that make us all go "wow", forgetting that if it's available on the open market, then it's waaaay old tech in terms of what's currently being developed.
[Image: 51209558878_91a895e0bb_m.jpg]
(05-25-2021, 07:23 PM)BengalsRocker Wrote: This is what you know and is public.

What do you think they'll have 30-40yrs from now or even more?

Now let's say that what you envision is actually now.

That's how far behind we(public + people even in the military like standard pilots)are in knowing technology capabilities.

I've heard people discuss what a human can take, physics, and such.

They use current known aircraft(some of that shit is dinosaur)and their capabilities.

A drone could easily mask actually how it appears to eyes and cameras.

Heat properties fooled too.

Taken by inferior gauges and tracked by inferior aircraft.

As much as you fantasize about aliens, there is also a realm of technology fantasies that are decades in the making.

It's kind of funny what average Joe Blow's can get their hands on that make us all go "wow", forgetting that if it's available on the open market, then it's waaaay old tech in terms of what's currently being developed.

Yeah, technology has went nuts ever since 1945 coincidently. We don't know what the military has.

Dugway proving grounds in Utah/Nevada is huge and people have spoke for years of crazy shit down there, Jets that can cloak,
Jets hauling saucers, giant beams of light shooting into the sky with UFO's flying around them etc.

Also remember a vid of dust billowing behind something driving in Dugway, like a car that was cloaked. Invisible, was weird as 
hell. People camp outside of Dugway to see weird stuff all the time. It is like Area 52 and Area 51 is the distraction.
Well, I look at it like this. This could all be our technology, but if it is, it is unmanned simply because no matter what the technology, the human body can only take so much g force. So if it is ours, they are drones. If they are some other country's, we are in big trouble because they are trolling our military with impunity. Or, it's aliens. I think it is pretty preposterous and egotistical to believe that out of all the planets and solar systems, ours is the only one with life. And then take into consideration the drawings of spacecraft and aliens in ancient drawings from almost all cultures. And if they're there, they'd likely want to explore elsewhere just like we do. To them, we could be the micro organisms on Mars that we currently study. Personally, I think we're screwed in scenarios 2 and 3. Guess we'll find out soon.
(05-25-2021, 07:23 PM)BengalsRocker Wrote: This is what you know and is public.

What do you think they'll have 30-40yrs from now or even more?

Now let's say that what you envision is actually now.

That's how far behind we(public + people even in the military like standard pilots)are in knowing technology capabilities.

I've heard people discuss what a human can take, physics, and such.

They use current known aircraft(some of that shit is dinosaur)and their capabilities.

A drone could easily mask actually how it appears to eyes and cameras.

Heat properties fooled too.

Taken by inferior gauges and tracked by inferior aircraft.

As much as you fantasize about aliens, there is also a realm of technology fantasies that are decades in the making.

It's kind of funny what average Joe Blow's can get their hands on that make us all go "wow", forgetting that if it's available on the open market, then it's waaaay old tech in terms of what's currently being developed.

Still not buying it. 

A guy flying with some kind of fire on his hands isn't the same as these objects that are stopping and starting on a dime traveling at the speed of light. No one has an explanation for it - including naval pilots and high up government officials that are 10x smarter and 100x more informed on what the US military is capable than both you and I. 
[Image: Screenshot-2022-02-02-154836.png]
The boys are just talkin' ball, babyyyy
(05-26-2021, 09:53 AM)WeezyBengal Wrote: Still not buying it. 

A guy flying with some kind of fire on his hands isn't the same as these objects that are stopping and starting on a dime traveling at the speed of light. No one has an explanation for it - including naval pilots and high up government officials that are 10x smarter and 100x more informed on what the US military is capable than both you and I. 

I get what you are trying to say, but none of these objects are traveling at the speed of light. Also many of them are just describef as "lights" instead of actual vehicles.
(05-26-2021, 11:33 AM)fredtoast Wrote: I get what you are trying to say, but none of these objects are traveling at the speed of light. Also many of them are just describef as "lights" instead of actual vehicles.

You are uninformed. Most of the instances have occurred with objects that resemble a "pill" or "tic tac" like device. 

This is the 60 minute clip:

Search youtube for more clips. David Fravor was on with Joe Rogan - it was a SUPER interesting interview. 

The Fravor encounter is just one of hundreds of encounters that people have had with these objects. This happened in 2004 BTW.

I mean Chris Mellon (former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence) is literally on there saying we don't have anything in our arsenal that can do what these objects are doing. Watch the video.
[Image: Screenshot-2022-02-02-154836.png]
The boys are just talkin' ball, babyyyy
(05-26-2021, 09:53 AM)WeezyBengal Wrote: Still not buying it. 

A guy flying with some kind of fire on his hands isn't the same as these objects that are stopping and starting on a dime traveling at the speed of light. No one has an explanation for it - including naval pilots and high up government officials that are 10x smarter and 100x more informed on what the US military is capable than both you and I. 

You believe that, but those naval pilots aren't living in the project.  They would have no clue.  One pilot that worked on the Stealth project spent almost a decade in seclusion working on it.  Engineers and scientists flown into Skunkworks on a 747.  That was secrecy  back way before the kind of instant media we have now.  What do you think they would have implemented since then?

What's funny about this discussion is that I don't fully dispute alien life forms or your reverse engineering claims.

However, I just can't wrap my mind around someone not thinking that there are superior human minds(without aliens)and projects... and that those cannot be kept to high level secrecy.

As much as you can imagine an alien being, is there not a possibility that somewhere in our world that the human mind has been tapped to it's fullest capacity?

Is it absurd to say that scientists have developed people of superior capabilities that make even our smartest scholars and yes even computers seem miniscule?

I mean if we're going around stating "aliens" for the answer then where would you stop for other theories?
[Image: 51209558878_91a895e0bb_m.jpg]
(05-25-2021, 06:34 AM)BengalsRocker Wrote: You wrote this post on the toilet. Hilarious

I may phone still works in the bathroom.. It keeps me company whilst grunting.. 
In the immortal words of my old man, "Wait'll you get to be my age!"

Chicago sounds rough to the maker of verse, but the one comfort we have is Cincinnati sounds worse. ~Oliver Wendal Holmes Sr.

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
They gotta start somewhere.  Watch and understand that some people think they know what is capable by what is currently in use.  Not the possibility to exceed current known tech which was limited by human pilots in them. Start at 5:58 if doesn't take you there from the link.

[Image: 51209558878_91a895e0bb_m.jpg]
(05-19-2021, 10:05 PM)J24 Wrote: I hypothesize that what we think are aliens are actually humanoids from the ocean. I believe that the world Governments have known about them since the first Nuclear bomb was dropped in 1945 and the reason why they are watching us is so we don't destroy each other.

Jessie Bates left the Bengals and that makes me sad!
(05-26-2021, 06:10 PM)BengalsRocker Wrote: You believe that, but those naval pilots aren't living in the project.  They would have no clue.  One pilot that worked on the Stealth project spent almost a decade in seclusion working on it.  Engineers and scientists flown into Skunkworks on a 747.  That was secrecy  back way before the kind of instant media we have now.  What do you think they would have implemented since then?

What's funny about this discussion is that I don't fully dispute alien life forms or your reverse engineering claims.

However, I just can't wrap my mind around someone not thinking that there are superior human minds(without aliens)and projects... and that those cannot be kept to high level secrecy.

As much as you can imagine an alien being, is there not a possibility that somewhere in our world that the human mind has been tapped to it's fullest capacity?

Is it absurd to say that scientists have developed people of superior capabilities that make even our smartest scholars and yes even computers seem miniscule?

I mean if we're going around stating "aliens" for the answer then where would you stop for other theories?

Oh I don't doubt that we are secretely working on tech that is more advanced than what we have...just not this advanced. Most people are claiming that the technology that these tic tacs have been displaying is anywhere from 500 to 1000 years more advanced than what we currently have in our arsenal. 

These things were estimated to be going at least 20x faster than the fastest jet in our arsenal. They didn't show signs of any kind of propulsion. The movements and change of direction were something that these pilots have never seen. People believe that they are manipulating our gravitational field to propel themselves.

It's too big of a jump in tech from what the public knows we have to what's being displayed by these tic tacs for me to believe that this is just some secrete government project.  

Sorry man, but if you think some other country (or us) is developing this kind of jump in tech secretly then I have some ocean front property to sell you. We aren't going to go from a fighter jet going 2,000 MPH to using anti gravity propulsion overnight.
[Image: Screenshot-2022-02-02-154836.png]
The boys are just talkin' ball, babyyyy
(05-18-2021, 03:22 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: I've seen videos about these things the past few weeks and it definitely seems like, without question, they have to be UFOs.  

However, the only reason that I doubt this is because why wouldn't they have tried to contact us by now?  If it's because they're planning a hostile invasion/takeover/destruction, why wouldn't they have done it by now?  Maybe because these are drones and going back to their planet to confirm that the planet is worth taking over?  Or maybe because they're so far away they've already begun their journey?  Or maybe it's not possible to load up an entire alien civilization into one ship like in Independence today?

Or maybe they see that our planet is uninhabitable for them so they just leave?

Or maybe they're scoping out our weaknesses?

Or maybe our government really does have technology this advanced that they're keeping secret and it's just one of ours?

Because UFO's, in the sense people are talking--aliens, aren't a real thing. 

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

"The measure of a man's intelligence can be seen in the length of his argument."

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