11-23-2015, 02:10 PM
Quote:"Many people involved in Pagan and Wiccan spirituality find themselves, at some point, worrying about magical attack. What if someone casts a spell on me? How will I know? What do I do? More importantly, how do I protect myself so that it doesn’t happen in the first place?"
Okay so clearly there is a curse going on around here! The players abilities do not seem to matter when it comes to prime-time football. (Except TNF but everyone knows that's not even prime time it's just called a prime time game for some reason.) So with all of the curse talk that has been going around for the past 4-5 years I figured it's time we stop crying about it and find out what we can do to stop it!
First of all lets determine we actually have a curse...
Quote: Is there someone in your life that you have angered or offended in some way?
Is that person someone who has the magical knowledge to place a harmful spell on you?
Is a hex or curse the only possible explanation for what is happening to you?
Many people also choose to use divination as a way of determining whether they're the victim of a hex or a curse, but if you do this, bear in mind that your own fears and worries may effect the outcome.
I think we need to focus on the bolded option and ignore the last sentence. Is there any possible way to Bengals can lose a prime time game other then a curse? Injuries? Nope. A great gameplan by the opposing team? Nope. Physics? Nope. There is no other possible explanation in the whole universe...The curse is real.
So what do we do?
Quote:If you feel you've genuinely been the victim of a magical attack, the first thing to do is protect yourself from further mischief. Once you've done that, you need to get started on removal of the curse or hex. There are several methods of doing this. Some examples that may be used successfully include:
Create a "magic mirror" spell which bounces the hex or curse back to its sender
Create a doll or poppet to take the damage in your place
Perform a working that will remove negative influences from your life
Use meditation, Reiki, chakra healing, or other energy work to lift the spell
For general protection, most people use a simple shielding method. This is a psychic shell that one draws around themselves. You can do this either by casting a circle of protection and recharging it periodically, or you can charge an amulet or talisman with protective properties. This will be an effective way of protecting you in the majority of magical attacks.
Anyone have any suggestions on how to get this done? Is it possible to cast a circle of protection around the whole team? Are circles of protection mobile? Maybe it would be easier to charge multiple amulets with protective properties and send them out to the team. I'm pretty sure amulets aren't a part of the dress code so they should be okay to wear them during the game.
Another method that wasn't mentioned is sacrificing someone. The Aztecs used to sacrifice people by throwing them in volcanoes so the sun would be happy. Maybe there is a football god?

All of my info came from here.
Magical Self-Defense and Protection