01-09-2016, 06:09 PM
How classy!
I realize it is an AM station so no one listens to it...but still.
Quote:A fake radio PSA from Cincinnati station 700 WLW that mocks Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger is drawing criticism from sexual assault victim advocates.
The announcer goes on to say: "If you see Big Ben and he flashes Little Ben, you are asked to report it to authorities."
The WLW newsroom confirmed to Pittsburgh's Action News 4 that the station created the audio segment but did not specify when it aired or would be airing.
Program director Scott Reinhart did not respond to any of Pittsburgh Action News 4's multiple requests for comment.
The WLW newsroom did say that "everyone's laughing."
However, victim advocates said that is not the case.
"To make light of it, it could probably make victims feel very degraded, very upset, triggered," said Nicole Molinaro Karaczun of the Women's Center and Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh.
She works closely with victims of domestic abuse and said that often includes sexual assault.
"You can't really rip on (Roethlisberger) for this without -- the way they did it at least 00 also bringing victims down," Molinaro Karaczun said.
The clip drew mixed reaction Friday from fans at Jerome Bettis' Grille 36 on the north shore.
"I think it's very hurtful, yes, and I don't think it's nice or correct to do that," Joana Valco said.
Valco has lived in Pittsburgh for 21 years but is originally from Barcelona, Spain. She said Roethlisberger has her support.
But Ohio's Natalie Driscoll laughed out loud while listening to the "Ben Warning."
She changed her tune when asked about the clip.
"That's ignorant," Driscoll said.
"I think it's rude."
Roethlisberger's agent, Ryan Tollner, did not respond to emails seeking comment.
"It's just not funny. We need to treat sexual assault as the serious crime that it is," Molinaro Karaczun said.
I realize it is an AM station so no one listens to it...but still.